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Editorial 01/15/07 Casino Royale has proved to be a worldwide hit, but I wonder if it is more out of curiosity than actual acceptance of Daniel Craig. The picture is lacking in the technology, humour and sexual innuendo that audiences have come to expect from a James Bond film. I suspect the true test of this new Bond will be the reaction to Bond 22 coming in 2008.
There is a new Young Bond book, called Double or Die. How many times can the word "die" be used in a Bond title? I guess the answer is obvious: countless. I finally read the first two novels and they were pretty entertaining, especially SilverFin. The 2nd was good too, but what did Blood Fever really mean? 
All-in-all, the James Bond that I grew up with is all but gone. Licence to Kill was the last great 007 film as far as I'm concerned, and I think it'll be a long time before James Bond is properly portrayed again. Thankfully, someone has taken the time to restore the older films, to be enjoyed over and over again in new-found glory on a large, widescreen LCD screen. Add your comments here 

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